From: Painted Hills Office [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 4:13 PM As you may already know, the Lakes Committee works with a trapper to trap and remove muskrats from both our lakes each year. Muskrats dig into shore lines and can do a great deal of damage to them. Trapper, Dave Coleman, will be about in the next few days, assessing the areas to be trapped and marking those areas with flags. If you notice any muskrat activity , please contact the office or our Lakes Chairman Mike McClanahan to get this information to our trapper. Painted Hills Office The proposed work to the Nebo Spillway is scheduled to begin in September 2012
1. The weir and the trench from Lake Nebo to the culvert will be widened. 2. The level of Nebo Dam will be raised 9 inches. 3. Sept 10th 2012 the lake will be lowered two feet from the present depth. If you intend to take a boat out of Lake Nebo, it should be done before the lake is lowered as you may not be able to do so after the lake is lowered. The ramp at Nebo is functional, at this time, to launch and take out boats . Plans to make the ramp more user friendly will begin after the lake is lowered. This will be a good time to do any shoreline repair and dock improvements. Please contact Dave Roloff, architectural chairman with any construction plans. Stone has been placed at the Holiday marina ramp to prevent boat trailers from dropping off the end. There are buoys to mark the end of the ramp. Please use caution when launching and taking out boats. Painted Hills Lakes Committee Members,
As you are aware, we are experiencing low lake levels do to lack of rain. This affects the ability to launch boats from the ramps. There have been recent incidents where boatersback their trailers beyond the end of the ramp. There is an 18 inch drop beyond the ramp and boat trailers will become lodged there. This is especially true when pontoons are being launched. In an effort to prevent this, Property manager, Jon Henninger has placed two buoys at the end of the Holiday ramp. It is advisable to have someone watch as you back down and do not allow trailer wheels to go beyond the buoys when launching or loading. There have been complaints of boats anchored or tied together in the main part of Lake Holiday during skiing and tubing hours (9:00am to ½ hr before sunset) around 9:15pm, with swimmers around the boatsIt is difficult to see swimmers in the main body of the lake. If you are going to have a tie-up, please do so in the idle areas. Thank you, Lakes and Security Committees If you use Gate 2 you have probably seen the newly constructed fishing/ swimming platform located on the left side of the dam on Lake Nebo.
It is for swimming and fishing only, no boats are to be docked there. It is for members and their guests only and the member must accompany their guests. Please park any vehicles in the gravel on the opposite side of the road and pick up any trash before you leave. This was constructed by donations from the membership and no Painted Hills Association funds were used in the construction. Mike McClanahan Lakes Committee chairman LAKE TREATMENT
Weather permitting, the Lakes Committee will be treating both Lake Nebo & Lake Holiday on Monday May 14th and Thursday May 17th Do not use lake water for plants or lawns until Sunday May 20th There are no other restrictions. Due to the mild weather this Winter, weeds will be more severe so we will be treating more than in past Summers. In addition, on Lake Nebo, from time to time, Chuck Kern or another Lakes Committee Member will be exceeding the normal no wake policy in order to churn up the algae. Thank You, Painted Hills Lakes Committee Members,
As we are preparing to do the scheduled repairs on the Nebo Spillway the Indiana Department of Natural Resources requires that all property owners within a ¼ mile radius be notified in writing of those upcoming repairs. In the next few days, members who are within the 1/4 mile will be contacted either Painted Hills Security members who will deliver the notification to you or it may be sent by certified mail through the U.S Postal Service. A form will be completed when you receive the letter that verifies you have been notified and these forms will be kept on file in the Painted Hills Office as required by the Indiana Dept of Natural Resources. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at the Painted Hills Office or President Dan Arnold 349-1752. Judy Lammers Office manager UPCOMING WEED TREATMENT ON BOTH LAKES
The Lakes Committee will be treating both Lake Holiday and Lake Nebo for weeds Monday April 9 & Tuesday April 10 (weather permitting) This is the first application of the year and is a granular application. THERE IS A 30 DAY PERIOD THAT LAKE WATER SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR LAWNS OR PLANTS AFTER THIS APPLICATION BOATING, FISHING AND SWIMMING ARE NOT RESTRICTED. Mid May, there will be a second application of granular followed by a liquid application four to seven days later. THERE IS A 3 DAY PERIOD THAT LAKE WATER SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR LAWNS OR PLANTS AFTER EACH APPLICATION. BOATING, FISHING AND SWIMMING ARE NOT RESTRICTED A reminder will be posted on each of the gate bulletin boards prior to each of the treatments. IF YOU HAVE A SPRINKLER SYSTEM THAT DRAWS FROM THE LAKE AND WOULD LIKE A PHONE CALL TO REMIND YOU TO TURN IT OFF, PLEASE CONTACT THE PAINTED HILLS OFFICE 342-6409 OR 342-9911 You, as a member can assist in the prevention of weeds in the lake by using lawn care products that do not contain phosphates. Rainwater carries phosphates into the lake and promotes the growth of lake weeds. If you have a lawn service, insist they use phosphate free products on your yard. Painted Hills Lakes Committee Just a reminder to our members who are boat owners , the length limit on our lakes here at Painted Hills is 28 ft for pontoons and 22 ft for all other boats.
While our lakes are very nice for the average boater, it does get very crowded on weekends and anything larger than the above mentioned can create congestion and cause large wakes that can be destructive to other boats and shorelines. If you are thinking about buying a boat, new or used, Keep those length limits in mind |
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